Got a VFD Module
CU20027-Y1A Easy way to use by UART
1. Use a VFD
The best possible readability needed for the application.
The reliability is another important factor considering factory use.
I used an ASCII VFD Module. It has 5x8 dot font and 2x20 character position.
Simple interface and command to control preferred
2. Easy to display text messages
I wanted the minium design time for hard and soft works I used minimum commands.
This module has so many functions but I need only a simple text indication.
I used only simple ASCII commands.
I tried not to use the code library and other support softwares.
1) Power supply
I used a 5V 0.5A power supply . 200-300mA current flow observed in operation.
Wiring : Two wires, 5V to VCC, 0V to GND(common)
2) Data
UART (Asynhronous Serial) 38.4Kbps (Default) or 19.2Kbps (Jumper 0 short)
I ignored "BUSY" signal to reduce the wires.
Wiring : Only two wires, SIN and GND(common) are used to nterface to the host.
3. How it looks
It's so bright. A plastic color filter is recommended to get a better contrast.
Green,Blue,Gray colors can be used. The photos are my favorite colors.
CU20027-Y1A VFD Module with a" Rose" acrylic panel |
UCU20027-Y1A VFD Module with a "Neutral" acrylic panel |
4. Programming
1) ASCII control code
Just send a Home Position "0Bh" at the initial setting.
It clears the screen and sets the cursor position in the left top.
I don't use the cursor indication so I sent "14h".
2) Character code and font
Straightforwardly,send ASCII text code to indicate the text you want.
3) Other commands
There are so many useful functions but maybe I use some unique commands;
"Font magnification" :1F 28 67 40 xy
Enlarge the font 2x or 4x .
"Individual Character Brightness Level Setting" : 1F 28 67 50 d1 d2 d3
Brightness of each chaaracter can be set by 8 levels.