Touch SW Display:GU140X32F-D903S Hardware Spec(part)

GU140X32F-D903S Hardware Specification

7 Touch-Switch
7.1 Outline
・ Detection: Capacitive (multi-touch (multiple-point input) is supported)
・ Construction: Glass + Aluminum wiring

7.2 Basic Operation
・ The display module features a Touch-Switch panel for handling input by fingertip or touch pen, etc.
The switch information data is stored into the transmit buffer in the module.
Note: There are various modes for obtaining switch status information. Refer to "General Function"
Software Specification for details.

7.2.1 Auto-calibration
・ The built-in Touch-Switch is of static-capacitive type, and as such, it’s operation can be affected
by the temperature and humidity etc, of the surrounding environment. An auto-calibration
function is provided in order to adjust the threshold for touch detection in response to changes in
the surrounding environment. This enables stable touch detection, reducing the effects of
changes in the surrounding environment. This function can be turned OFF by software command
(refer to "General Function" Software Specification).

8 Interface
8.1 Type of interface
There are three serial interfaces, selected by jumper: Asynchronous, SPI, and I2C (all CMOS-level).
Refer to "9 Jumper".

8.2 Basic function
・ Data received is stored in the internal receive buffer, and processed in order of receipt.
・ MBUSY signal changes according to receive buffer state. The host should send data when MBUSY=READY.
・ When there is data in the transmit buffer, /TRDY = READY.
○MBUSY signal change timing:
Condition Data in receive buffer No data in receive buffer
○/TRDY signal change timing:
condition No data in transmit buffer Data in transmit buffer
○Buffer Capacity:
Receive buffer 60 bytes
Transmit buffer 60 bytes

8.2.1 Asynchronous serial interface
○Interface conditions:
Baud rate
9600 to 115200bps (set by Jumper and Memory SW)
Default setting: 38400bps

None, Even, Odd (set by Memory SW)
Default setting: None

Start (1 bit) + Data (8 bit) + Parity (0 or 1 bit) + Stop (1 bit)

Communication control signal

・ Data transmitted from the display is placed in the internal transmit buffer and sent, in order, when

8.2.3 I2C interface
○Interface conditions:
・ Display module operates as I2C slave, sending and receiving data in response to host (master) operation.
Clock frequency             Max.400kHz
Format                            Conforms to the I2C Standard
Slave addres                   08h to 77h (set by Jumper and Memory SW)
                                       Default setting: 50h
Supported functions      ACK response, Clock stretch

Communication control signals    MBUSY, /TRDY

*Note: If Clock stretch is applied during processing of a command, the host (master) will not be able to send or receive any more data until command processing has finished.
・In addition to the configured Slave address, the VFD module also responds to the General call address
(00h), however "second byte" functions (06h and 04h) are not supported (the second, and any
subsequent bytes, are treated as ordinary data).
・If /TRDY = EMPTY, FFh is transmitted from the VFD module in response to a read sequence.
・In addition to the Clock stretch function, flow can also be controlled by monitoring the MBUSY signal. MBUSY
signal changes according to receive buffer state. The host should send data when MBUSY=READY (refer to"8.2 Basic function").

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