
IchigoJam BASIC UART input ver1.1

IchigoJam : Try to communicate with other device.

BPS can be set by BPS command.

UART Output command        TXD pin

Use "PRINT" same as for the screen.

ESC and DLE codes can't be included in the input data. beause...
ESC: Holt program
DLE:Erase text in the line

UART Input command       RXD pin

Use INKEY() as for Keyboard

・ESCコード(27 0x1B)を受けるとプログラムを停止する。
Receiving #1B     Holt the program
・DLEコード(16 0x10)を受けると同じ行の文字を消す。
Receiving #10      Delete  the text in line

CC BY (C) 2015 国野亘 (Wataru KUNINO)

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